The Apple AirTags
Let’s talk Apple AirTags review. Trust me there are hundreds of other tech reviewers that are far more well-known and will go into deeper detail on every aspect of them, but are they using it like a dad? No!
I was a big user of the Tile system for the last 5+ years. When I needed them they worked well, as long as I was good about replacing them when the battery died. Well a few months before Apple announced the AirTags all but one of my Tiles died. Apple announced the AirTags and I was quick to order a three-pack.
After a few months with them, I will say I am rather happy, they aren’t perfect, but my biggest issues can be resolved through software updates.

I use two of the three, one of them on my keychain used with a Nomad Leather Loop, I really enjoy the look and finish of this over the keychain holder sold by Apple. The second tag I have is in a 3D printed holder so I can keep it in my wallet. The third tag is being used by my wife on her keys with one of Apple’s keychain holders.
The thing that makes them so powerful is how they utilize the global iPhone / iOS network. I’ve seen some amazing videos of folks shipping them around the world and they track with insane precision. This is due to the tag pinging to all of the iPhones around it. The Tile network works in a similar fashion but unlike AirTags it doesn’t hit at the core of the product.
What I Like About Apple AirTags
First of all, they are pretty darn small and they look good. YES, the silver back scratches like crazy but compared to the Tile tracker I had on my keys before, it just looks and feels so much nicer. Next, battery life…about one year. Obviously, I haven’t tested this one out but that’s promising and the fact that you can change out the battery is a huge plus.
The biggest thing that shines for me and that I don’t just like but I love is how the Find My app has evolved. The way you track the items in the app is just fantastic and the near field find my feature is amazing. You can see video reviews and demos of it, but until you actually use it, that’s when you’ll be truly impressed. Simply put, you open up Find My, go to Items, select the item you are looking for, and hit Find. If the item is about 10-20 feet away a fun little animation plays and your phone turns into a live way finder to walk you right to your item. If it’s out of range, the Find My network engages and utilizes other iPhones to help locate it (obviously it’s all anonymous and works 100% in the background).

What I Don’t Like About Apple AirTags
I do like that Apple has at least thought about the potential “creeper” use of these. They are so small that they can be slipped into someone’s backpack or purse and you could easily track them. Where this is annoying is I get alerts all the time that I have unknown AirTags moving with me. This unknown AirTag is my wife’s key. I feel like this could be resolved with software in the future.
Final Thoughts
Well, I love them. I’m most likely going to purchase another three-pack to add to a few other items that I want to be able to track, especially as I get back to traveling. My hope is that Apple or a third party comes out with a slim version that would be even better for my wallet.
At the end of the day, they aren’t cheap but they are also frankly pretty well priced compared to competitors. The features and the just vast ecosystem that is the iPhone network in the world really make them hard to beat. I call them a must-buy if you are an iPhone user, if even at a minimum for your keys.
So if this interests you, go head on over and snag a four-pack of the Apple AirTags!
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